Documentary ‘What the wind took away’ screened

By Ishrat Hyatt
December 06, 2018

Islamabad : The United Nations Information Center along with missions of the European Union and others missions based in Islamabad are creating awareness of human rights through cinematography before Human Rights Day which is observed every year on December 10th. - the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.


In this connection, the ambassador of Austria, Nicolaus Keller and spouse hosted an Austrian documentary, ‘What the wind took away.’ Directed by Helin Celik and Martin Klingenböck, the film is a thought provoking look at the lives of Yazidi refugees in a camp south east of Turkey, best described in the short introduction on the invitation. “Although most Yazidi women have lost everything they had, they're still alive. After they've been massacred and displaced from their homeland, they found protection in a refugee camp, stuck between the radical Islamic State and their dream destination: Europe. ‘What the wind took away’ is a deeply poetic approach to the very personal stories of these Yazidi women and a lyrical journey through their lives in the refugee camp.”

Before the screening, the host, who is new to the capital, introduced himself and said he was looking after the Ministry of Culture in back home and used to select and vet the cultural events that went all over the world. After the film guests discussed it among themselves and with members of the members while enjoying refreshments.
