Comfortably numb

November 27, 2018

Our political leaders love to initiate half-baked, ill-conceived projects and abandon them as soon as their political interest is served. The PML-N-led government, in the 1980s, launched a few projects in Punjab to gain popularity, but left several of them incomplete. They announced setting up cottage industry, dairy, livestock, poultry, and fish farms to boast exports, but these projects couldn’t see the light of day. In his capacity as PM, Mian Nawaz Sharif, in his first term, introduced the popular ‘Qarz Utaro, Mulk Sanwaro’ campaign to pay national debt.


People donated whole heartedly, but nobody knows whether the money was used to pay back the loan. These days we can see history repeating itself. Politicians are blaming each other for the current financial crisis. The current serious situation demands that all parliamentarians rise above personal and party interests and do what is needed for the country and its people.

Raja Shafaatullah

