Winter is here...

With the chilly winds starting to blow, this week You! gives its readers some cool gift ideas for their friends and family who are always cold...

By Michelle Profis & Rebecca Shinners
November 13, 2018

gift ideas

With the chilly winds starting to blow, this week You! gives its readers some cool gift ideas for their friends and family who are always cold...


There’s one in every group: that person who is perpetually cold. It even doesn’t matter if it is the middle of July when the heat is blasting outside. If you’re wrapped under layers upon layers of clothing. We get it. The struggle is, in fact, real. To help, we present our list of gifts that all you cold people out there will truly appreciate. (No need to thank us. We’re happy to help!)

Heated fingerless gloves

You absoultely cannot beat this for an office-friendly product. It promises to thaw out the icicles you call fingers.

A teapot that looks like it’swearing a sweater

How could a cup of tea possibly be cosier? Especially when it is served from this sweater-like teapot.

Warm and fuzzy socks

You’ll want to wear this cosy pair of socks under your favourite boots all winter long.

Peppermint hot cocoa in a jar

Gift this tasty drink mix to the friend who you never see without a warm beverage in hand.

Cosy plaid throw that has pom-poms

Colourful comfort is the best kind of cosy.

A cute soft cushion

When winter time is approaching, you need something cute and cosy to cuddle up to. You can carry this on your commute or keep it in your office for a little warm snooze during breaks.

Personal heater

A tiny little heater you can take with you wherever you go.

Adorable tea infusers

Drinking tea has never been this adorable.

A trusty soup cookbook

When the weather outside gets frightful, a warm bowl of soup is basically a necessity. A cookbook that has a recipe for every day of the year is just what you need to when you find yourself chilly during the warmer months, too.

A version of this article was originally published at
