Port Qasim dock workers continue their protest on 33rd days

Hundreds of affected dock workers of Port Qasim continued their sit-in on 33rd consecutive day of their protest. An elderly labourer present in camp fainted here on Saturday.

By Web Desk
October 27, 2018

Karachi: Hundreds of affected dock workers of Port Qasim continued their sit-in on 33rd consecutive day of their protest. An elderly labourer present in camp fainted here on Saturday.

This sit-in camp was established by the Workers Union of Port Qasim CBA for their demands. Responding to their protest accused Chinese company Huaneng Fuyun Port & Shipping (Pvt) Ltd. has paid their six months salaries, however another four months is outstanding. Labourers protested and chanted slogans against Chinese company and port officials on Saturday.


An elderly labourer Shah Jahan fainted in camp but his colleagues refused to take him hospital until their demands are met.

Addressing to protesting colleagues, Secretary General of Workers Union of Port Qaism CBA Hussain Badshah said that authorities should not undermine peaceful protest of labourers. We will announce our further strategy on Monday if demands are not accepted, he cautioned.

A number of labourers are disabled during work but the continued their role for the development of economy.

Chinese company has just paid six months salaries to labourers. Port Qasim authorities are also giving cold shoulder to our demands, he lamented

Our charter of demand should be accepted and implemented immediately. Port Qasim Authority should issue pending cards to dock workers.

Dock Workers Act 1974 should be implemented in letter and spirit. Economic exploitation of laborers must be stopped, Hussain Badshah urged.
