Career counselling: questions and answers

By Syed Azhar Husnain Abidi
July 30, 2018

Q1: Dear sir, I read your column in Daily Jang, Karachi. I did BS Electronics from Sir Syed University, Karachi with CGPA 3.64. After that I completed my Master of Engineering in Telecommunication, Thesis: Communications Security degree from NED University, Karachi with CGPA 3.74.


Now I want to do PhD in Electrical, area of research: Communications Security from any country which supports me as full or at least half scholarship. I have two kids (5-year-old and 10-year-old). I will definitely go with them (my husband can’t go with me). So need handsome stipend/research assistant job etc. for my daily expenses for me and two kids in that country. They must offer work visa after my PhD.

Please suggest me which is the best country and university for me. (Nabeela Irfan – Karachi)

A: Dear Nabeela, great to see that your undergraduate and postgraduate degrees are with very strong GPA that tells you are intelligent and hardworking lady. The area of your research is also very innovative and market-related within the communication domain. I see no reason why you should not get a scholarship in most countries, particularly in the European Hemisphere, including Germany, Sweden, Latvia and Hungary etc. I also feel you should look at Australia and Malaysia as well. However, scholarships are purely given to the individual and not connected to family circumstances and as such I cannot identify or guarantee any stipend amount, neither can I predict whether you will be able to survive with two young and growing kids for three years in that kind of visa. Also there is no word like ‘must’ when you are planning your studies so getting work visa is something that depends on your circumstances at that moment of time. I wish you all the best in your future career.

Q2: Sir, I have been a student of FSc pre-medical and currently waiting for the 2nd year result. I have obtained 85% marks in HSC Part I, Board of Intermediate Education, Karachi.

Nowadays, I am preparing for medical college entrance test of public sector universities which will be taken in the end of October. But I also want to take test of any reputed private medical university as I can't take risk on my eligibility. Kindly do guide me about some high-ranked private sector medical universities in Karachi and their fee structures. (Areeba Mustafa - Karachi)

A: Dear Miss Areeba, thank you very much for your email. As you mentioned that you are preparing for medical college entrance test of public sector universities; I think doing research for private medical institutions in Karachi is a wise decision. I don’t know exactly what percentage of marks you would secure at the end of your FSc; however, I would recommend that you check the following private universities which are offering HEC recognised MBBS:

Agha Khan University and Baqai Medical University, Karachi.

Q3: Dear sir, I am a Mechanical Graduate 2017 from University of Wah, Wah Cantt. I am PEC registered. I appeared in FPSC, PPSC and other tests in one year. I have interest in management side like HR, so I have also applied for MS Engineering Management in NUST and Riphah International University. I was selected in Riphah International University. NUST result is not yet declared.

I have also applied in Bahria University and Abasyn University for MBA (2 Years Programme).

Now, give me your kind suggestion, which is best for me either Engineering Management or MBA from which University. (Muhammad Hassaan - Islamabad)

A: Dear Hassaan, first of all, I would suggest that you work for at least two years with your engineering degree in a related industry before opting to do a masters in management or perhaps an MBA programme that requires experience as well. This will help you to develop and identify the area of interest within the Management domain whether HR, Marketing, Finance or otherwise.

Q4: Sir, I have completed my BS in Botany. Now I want to do MS. Kindly guide me whether I should continue my degree in basic subject i.e. Botany or I should get enrolled in MS Biology. Also tell me whether MS Biology has scope in teaching field. Do public service exams for teaching announce seats for degree holders in MS Biology as are announced for Botany and Zoology? Will it be a good option to shift from Botany to Biology? Kindly answer this query. (Seerat - Lahore)

A: Dear Seerat, my recommendations would be to shift your area of interest towards Biology; it has slightly more opportunities in the basic and applied science area. If possible see if you can do a degree in Microbiology and then move towards doing a research in this area. All public service exams do have seats in these areas and demand for teaching at Microbiology level is slightly more than other subject areas. Having done your masters in Microbiology with a high GPA or grade, there are bright chances of getting scholarships for further studies abroad. Therefore, I feel this would be a better option for you.

Q5: Dear sir, I need your guidance. I have done MS in Accounting and Finance two years ago. However, unfortunately I could not yet find a good job in my relevant field. I need your advice, whether I should go for PhD studies? Thank you. (Khurram - Rawalpindi)

A: Dear Khurram, my recommendation would be to still keep on trying to get a job in a bank or in finance sector. However, if you do not find a job sooner, the other option could be to take up a relevant training programme either in the banking industry or by virtue of working with a Chartered Accountant or a financial adviser.

(Syed Azhar Husnain Abidi is a renowned educationist in Pakistan, with more than 20 years of experience as provider of education counselling services. He has represented Pakistan in over 100 national and international seminars, conferences and fora. He is a recipient of the most coveted civil award Tamgha-e-Imtiaz).
