People are talking about —

July 29, 2018

— the inappropriate language used by political entities against their rivals and what a bad impression it gives about their upbringing to those who are listening to their speeches. People say it while this kind of language may momentarily draw a few guffaws from the general public, the average citizen does not appreciate it and those who criticize its use are justified, as it sends out wrong signals that it is acceptable because a ‘big wig’ is using it.


— the fact that toy guns with pellets are still on sale in many shops despite the horrifying news, that at forty children lost their eyesight during the Eid holidays, in one city alone. The question arises as to why the government cannot control their import or manufacture so that the menace is stopped at the source, since it is impossible to check outlets which sell these so called ‘toys’ and parents are too indulgent these days and shirk responsibility.

— the two events which took place last weekend - one political and one a tragedy - and how it appeared from the media coverage that the first was of more interest to the viewers than the second, in which many of our fellowmen died. It appears that we as a nation are becoming cold blooded and indifferent to death and destruction and getting more addicted to the ludicrous behaviour/actions of so called ‘leaders’ who only have self interest in mind.

— football fever and how the world was focused on the results, including our own enthusiastic footballers residing in Lyari who had formed ‘world’ teams of their own, each group naming itself after a country where their idols are in the team. It was heart warming to see their involvement in the FIFA season but heartrending to know that these young men have little chance of realizing their dreams because of the apathetic attitude of the government to sports other than cricket.

— the disturbing picture of a donkey who was badly mistreated by ignorant persons after spraying his body with the name of a disgraced politician. It is mind boggling how people can inflict such cruelty on an innocent animal by make believe that they are doing so on someone they dislike. This comes from a lack of proper education and empathy towards creatures who cannot defend themselves, so it is hoped the new government will concentrate on educating the masses.

— the devastating fire which engulfed the Sunday market in Islamabad and how people are wondering what could have happened as it’s a repetition of a similar incident last year. In both fires traders suffered great losses and conspiracy theories are rife as to how the fires started citing the coincidence that both conflagrations took place just before Eidul Azha when demand for consumer products is high. People say there should be a proper investigation into the incidents.

— the usual allegations by all losing candidates that elections have been rigged and the fact that they are demanding new elections. People say Pakistan is not a rich country and the elections have cost the country a great deal of money, so where will the funds for a re-election come from, unless all the corrupt political entities are will to donate their ill gotten gains towards the exercise, and if they win they can always replenish their coffers! — I.H.
