India charges former minister with corruption

July 20, 2018

NEW DELHI: Indian police on Thursday charged a top opposition leader P Chidambaram with abuse of power in a multi-billion dollar scandal when he was finance minister. Chidambaram confirmed the charge and said he would "vigorously" contest the case filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) anti-corruption watchdog.


The CBI accused the former minister of abusing power in allowing foreign investment by Malaysian group Maxis in telecom company Aircel in 2006. Chidambaram, a senior leader of the opposition Congress party, said in a tweet, "CBI has been pressured to file a charge sheet to support a preposterous allegation against me and officers with a sterling reputation."

"The case is now before the Hon´ble Court and it will be contested vigorously. I shall make no more public comment." The CBI has alleged that Chidambaram approved the half billion dollar Aircel-Maxis deal when it should have been referred to a cabinet committee.
