Robert Frost poems are timeless, inspiring everyone from John F. Kennedy to George R.R. Martin....

By S. K
June 08, 2018

Poems forever

The road not taken

Robert Frost poems are timeless, inspiring everyone from John F. Kennedy to George R.R. Martin. Most people know him for “The Road Not Taken,” but it seems we’ve all been interpreting that poem wrong anyway. Frost wrote the poem as a private joke for his friend Edward Thomas with whom he enjoyed taking his walks. Thomas was constantly indecisive about which direction he wanted to go, and often regretted not choosing the other way. Frost was surprised when his readers began taking the poem to heart as a metaphor for self-determination. He lamented to Thomas that the poem was “taken pretty seriously … despite doing my best to make it obvious by my manner that I was fooling. … Mea culpa.”



By Laraib Zakir

The ashes burnt

In a faraway land

Surreal as it could be

I wished

The contemplations would burn along, too

The apprehension could vanish in the flickering flames

The inquisitiveness devoured by the wildfire

And with them, the mere thought of you.

I wonder why

By Shohra Haider

I saw you

walking on that bridge at night,

wearing those 6-inch heels,

black, like your heart,

smooth, like your lips.

You smelled of sweet roses,

but held a withered one

You wore a white dress,

but your eyes were sad.

Your face was blank,

but your breath was fast

like the turbulent waters.

And I wondered why

Because the last I saw of you,

you were walking down the aisle in those heels,

And I wondered if you remembered

that day I said, I love you,

You saw them through the window,

“Oh my God! I love them”.

You would leave them on the ragged floor,

but they never matched my sneakers.

And that day I asked you to marry me,

you wore them when you walked out the door.

Yet tonight you hold them,

while you walk alone.

The light shines on these restless waters

and those heels glow,

as you hold them over the railing.

You let them fall.

And a tear slips free.

And I wonder, why?

Because these currents have taken me.

I am already gone.


By Amna Ameer

The elixir,

Of sunsets,

Falls into,

Your eyes,

And reaches my hands,

I try to trace,

It back,

To your face,

The way,

You leave behind,

Parts of you,

In me,

Every time,

We share,

Our dreams,

Of sleepless nights,

Walking in a world,

Living separate lives,

Entwined in our minds,

The taste,

Of dissolution,

On an October night,

Lights stars,

On our skins,

And rages havoc,

Of rising oceans,

In our tears,

The darkness,

Spills over,

Our confessions,

And takes away,

Our last breath,

And we stay in time,


By each other,

And watch the world end,

One more time,

As we look,

For each other,

In the afterlife.


By Sundus Butt

The rose was pink

innocence dripped

Oblivious was nature

Had no patience

The rose was red

Magnificently clad

Astounded was audience

Awed in radiance

The rose was blue

Lost its hue

Shriveled were petals

Turned into rebels

The rose was black

In endless wrack

Ambience was quiet

There was no riot.

Compiled by SK
