Talk is cheap

May 30, 2018

Since elections are around the corner, political parties holding rallies across the country, making promises that every citizen knows will be broken. During the 2013 election campaign, the PML-N promised to put an end to loadshedding. But the reality is evident to of all of us. Now, again the PML-N is using its political rhetoric to gain more votes. The PPP has been governing Sindh for the last 10 years, but the party hasn’t brought noteworthy changes to Sindh, with the province left with poor infrastructure, a sharp decline in healthcare and education facilities, and an unprecedented increase in child mortality.


Instead of dealing with the challenges at hand, the PPP is trying to form a government in the centre. If the party cannot govern Sindh in an effective manner, how can it govern the entire country? In addition, the period between 2008 and 2013 – when the PPP was in the federal government – didn’t see any noticeable progress or development. It is time the Pakistani people stopped falling for political rhetoric.

Hira Kiran

