Apolitical person to be named as caretaker PM: Khursheed

By Asim Yasin
April 25, 2018

ISLAMABAD: Opposition Leader in the National Assembly Syed Khursheed Shah while calling for timely general elections said that he will make all out effort to name such a person for the caretaker prime minister who has no political affiliation, but ample administrative experience.


“Having affiliation with any party is a different thing and being a worker of any political party is another thing, but our focus will remain on a person with administrative experience,” he said while talking to media persons at the Parliament House on Tuesday.

The opposition leader said any person who used to be a worker of any political party would not be an appropriate option as such a person will have a tag of the political party and it would be avoided while finalising the name for the caretaker prime minister.

Khursheed Shah said he did not have made any consultation with his party leadership yet on this issue, but it would be made in the presence of the Asif Ali Zardari and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari. He was hopeful for finalising the name of the caretaker prime minister by the mid of the May with consensus.
