PTI, PML-N to be real players in elections: Qureshi

By Our Correspondent
April 24, 2018

MULTAN: PTI vice-chairman Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that popularity of the PPP is declining across the Punjab.


Talking to journalists here on Monday, he said that the PTI and the PML-N would be the real players in the next general elections. He said that the PPP was rapidly weakening in the Punjab. He said that former prime minister Nawaz Sharif should consider his narrative. If Nawaz Sharif continues to follow his narrative, his party would finally split into two blocs, he predicted. Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that workers of others parties were joining the PTI. The PTI was flourishing, progressing and strengthening day by day, he claimed. The future was waiting for the PTI, he said. The PTI would emerge as a strong political party in the next general election, he added.

Meanwhile, addressing a convention of party’s local government ticket-holders held in connection with the PTI Lahore public meeting scheduled on April 29, Makhdoom Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that the PTI wants the judiciary and caretaker government hold free, fair and transparent elections.
