Respect them!

While checking the notebooks in the college, the Biology teacher called Usman to tell him....

By Bassama Tanvir
April 20, 2018


While checking the notebooks in the college, the Biology teacher called Usman to tell him what his mistakes were and how he could rectify them.


“Usman, you are a brilliant student and you can do really well in your Intermediate exams if you stop repeating these mistakes,” the teacher explained.

Instead of listening to her attentively, he argued and made faces. And when the teacher finished explaining, he left the room murmuring “What is her problem!”

Usman’s behaviour really upset the teacher. She was never like that as a student. She respected them and always followed their advice. It reminded her of Sir Sarmad; even though he was the strictest Mathematics teacher in the college and would scold students, students would always go to him for understanding tough formulae and equations.

Why are students so disrespectful to their teachers these days? They know what teachers do for them but still they don’t respect them! When we get to hear news of university teachers being locked in the classrooms, we realize we have lost our values completely.

We must first teach our kids and youth to respect their teachers before anything else.
