
By You Desk
March 20, 2018

Dear Nadine,

I am a 19 year old girl, and study in a private university. My problem is that I am a bit overweight and my complexion is also not fair. My sisters are very fair and slim, so they look beautiful.


They spend a lot of time on their grooming but I am into studies and don’t get time to do that. It pains me when people say how ‘different’ I am from my sisters.

With the pressure of studies, I find it difficult to look after myself. My sisters do not study and will be married shortly as it’s a norm in our community to marry off girls as soon as parents get proper proposals. Age and studies do not matter. My elder sister is getting married in December and as I am next in line, everyone will be looking at me then. I want to become slim and fair, but what can I do? If I don’t eat properly I can’t study, and my complexion is God’s creation, but I want to look pretty. So what can I do?

Anxious Girl

Dear Anxious Girl,

First of all, stop stressing about your complexion. People can be dark and attractive and fair and unattractive. What is in your hand is your weight and physique. You say you have to eat to study, which is fine. But what you eat can have a lot of impact on your weight. Eat healthy and walk as much as you can. In between meals, eat veggies or stuff low in calories. Avoid soft drinks and take plenty of water.

Incidentally, this will help your complexion too. Till December you can get in pretty good shape and your complexion and skin will improve a lot once you shed off those irritating pounds. Good luck!

Problems that need a solution? You can e-mail Prof. Nadine Khan at nadinekhan_34yahoo.com

Write to Prof. Nadine Khan, c/o Editor ‘You!’ magazine, The News,

Al-ehman Building (4th Floor) I.I Chundrigar Road, Karachi.
