‘Cross research vital for resolving modern issues’

By our correspondents
February 14, 2018

Islamabad: Interdisciplinary research and collaborations are the most imperative sources to deal with the contemporary issues, said Rector International Islamic University, (IIU), Dr. Masoom Yasinzai on Tuesday.


He was addressing the opening ceremony of a conference on “Recent Developments in Fluid and Applied Sciences” jointly organized by IIU and Quaid e Azam University on the Faisal Masjid campus of the International Islamic University.

The ceremony was also attended by HEC Chairman Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed, experts and researcher of the field hailing from more than 1o countries. It was also attended by Dr. Muhammad Sajid, Chairman Maths and statistics of International Islamic University, student advisor Dr Tariq Javed and officials of the department of Environment Science.

“Research relevant to societal needs and a harmonious human resource blended with the teachings of Islam should be the focus of Muslim societies," he said. He referred to Muslim scientists and highlighted their contributions in the interdisciplinary research and said the Muslim youth must revive that legacy.

He urged the educational institutions to involve various disciplines in joint venture so that they could produce something new and helpful to society.Dr. Masoom said the university had established Suliman Abdullah Aba Al-Khail Centre for interdisciplinary research to bring all the disciplines under an umbrella to serve humanity.

The event was also addressed by HEC Chairman Dr Mukhtar Ahmad, who hailed International Islamic University efforts and urged for well nurtured youth in addition to education. He said the country needs not only good professionals but the best citizens too.
