OPC barred from interfering in civil, criminal cases

By our correspondents
January 23, 2018

LAHORE: The Lahore High Court on Monday ruled that the Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission’s (OPC) interference in civil and criminal nature cases is unconstitutional and permanently barred the commission from doing so.


Chief Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah issued the order while accepting petitions moved against proceedings initiated by the overseas commission against them regarding disputes already pending before different courts of law.

The petitioners, through their counsel, contended that the overseas commission had been violating laws by taking up complaints pertaining to property disputes, which were already sub-judice before courts.

The lawyers stated that the commission with the help of police also had been making arrests and procuring possession of disputed properties. They argued that the commission could only furnish recommendations for the resolution of disputes of overseas Pakistanis and had no power to issue summons or make arrests with the support of police. Opposing the petitions, Additional Advocate General Anwaar Hussain argued that the commission was supposed to protect properties of citizens living outside the country. He said Punjab Overseas Pakistanis Commission Act, 2014 was in fact introduced to protect the rights of the citizens living abroad. However, the chief justice observed that the commission could not work parallel to the judicial proceedings pending before courts. He further said the commission could not assume jurisdiction of court. Chief Justice Shah allowed the petitions and said the decision would be released soon.
