Pindi parks to get tagging cameras

By Khalid Iqbal
January 18, 2018

Rawalpindi: Parks and Horticultural Authority (PHA) has decided to install ‘tagging cameras’ also called Intrusion Detection Cameras here at Liaquat Bagh Park, Shahbaz Sharif Park, Dhoke Munshi Public Park and Public Park near Shamsabad. The concerned authority is installing tagging cameras to avoid different kinds of criminal activities in public parks.


On the other hand, Parks and Horticultural Authority (PHA) has imposed complete ban on allowing any kind of demonstration and rally at Liaquat Bagh Park. The main purpose of intrusion detection cameras or tagging cameras is seemingly simple. However, the task is difficult and in fact intrusion detection systems do not detect intrusions at all, they only identify evidence of intrusions, either while they are in progress or after the fact. The paper considers data collection issues, intrusion detection techniques, system effectiveness and network wide analysis. As you begin to shoot more images, it becomes harder to seek out and find that killer shot you know you’ve taken, but can’t locate. This is when good tagging practice is integral to workflow and ensures rapid recall of images when you need them. The more you tag the more you’ll become used to it and figure out a system that works best for you, but also to build up numerous tags to make future tagging less time-consuming.

Parks and Horticultural Authority (PHA) Managing Director Captain (r) Anwar-ul-Haq told ‘The News’ that they were going to install modern technique ‘Tagging Cameras’ also called intrusion detection cameras to stop criminal activities in parks. “We have received several complaints about activities in parks where some criminal mind youngsters tease families. We will shoot those criminal mind people through ‘Tagging Cameras’ to easily trap them, he claimed. He said that tagging cameras will follow the criminal people all around to focus them.

In past, some bad incidents happened in historical Liaquat Bagh Park but criminal people are not arrested yet, he said. In absence of tagging cameras we could not catch criminals, he said.

He said that there are 16 CCTV cameras in Liaquat Bagh Park and 32 CCTV cameras in Public Park Shamsabad and they have also installed 32 CCTV cameras in newly established Shahbaz Sharif Park at Rawal Road. “We have decided to install ‘Tagging Cameras’ all around Liaquat Bagh Park, Public Park Shamsabad, Shahbaz Sharif Park and Dhoke Munshi Public Park, he said.

He also said that more than 80 per cent construction work of two newly established parks Shahbaz Sharif Public Park and Dhoke Munshi Public Park has been completed. Parks will be functional in the month of February, he hoped.
