Celebs call for measures to save 'Zainabs'

Condemning the horrific incident of Kasur in which a seven-year-old Zainab was raped and murdered after abduction, the renowned singer and social worker Shehzad Roy, along with other showbiz celebrities, on Thursday called for an exemplary punishment to the culprits behind the heinous crime.

By Web Desk
January 12, 2018


KARACHI: Condemning the horrific incident of Kasur in which a seven-year-old Zainab was raped and murdered after abduction, the renowned singer and social worker Shehzad Roy, along with other showbiz celebrities, on Thursday called for an exemplary punishment to the culprits behind the heinous crime.

During the press conference, Roy urged the authority to take strict measures to save the future of Zainabs in Pakistan, adding that out of every five children one is subjected to sexual abuse in the country.

Urging the parents to teach their children to save them from falling victims to any such mishap, he said that stopping children from going out will not be justifiable, adding that the subject is still a taboo in the society.

He added; “Most of the cases go unreported because there are laws for protection and we need to create awareness about them."

On the occasion, Mahira Khan also urged the authority to deliver justice, not only to Zainab but all those had became victims of this brutality before her.

During the presser, Mahira stressed need to create creating awareness about abuse, finding the long -term solution. She also asked parents tell their children not to remain silent.

Mahira shared the idea of making masses aware of the society's guilt, that remains untold, through that films, books and pieces of art so that no more child could fall victim to this brutality, adding that change in the attitude of people help society contains the issues relating to child abuses.

Members of civil society were also present at Karachi Press Club to protest child sexual abuse, demanding justice for the deceased child.

The incident has sparked outrage across the country. Politicians, celebrities and sportsmen took to social media to condemn the shocking incident, demanding justice and raising questions over the government's failure to punish the culprits, aiders, abetters of the 2015 Kasur child abuse case as well as abysmal protection of minors in the region.
