2018 to be year of change for country’s volleyball: Yaqoob

By our correspondents
December 14, 2017

KARACHI: Pakistan Volleyball Federation (PVF) chairman Chaudhry Mohammad Yaqoob on Wednesday said that 2018 would be the year of change for the country’s volleyball.


“We are working on different projects and next year would be an year of change,” Yaqoob told The News.He said the federation has been busy in training its top youth and junior sides under Iranian coach Hamid Movahedi in Peshawar for the last several months.

“It has also been holding several events at various places of the country. I think we are going towards a great change and if we kept the same pace then I am confident we will form a solid base which would ensure future of the sport,” the official claimed.

He also disclosed that from December 18 to 24 a National Senior Volleyball Championship would also be held at POF Wah in which 16 to 17 teams would be participating.“After this event we will begin camp of the senior side most probably in Lahore for next year’s Asian Games,” Yaqoob said.

Yaqoob was full of praise for his Iranian coach who has been associated with the team since April this year.Initially his services had been hired for six months. However his tenure was extended after the authorities saw in him the sort of quality which could benefit Pakistan’s volleyball. “He is hard working coach. He works for eight hours and it’s a fine run,” he said. When asked whether Movahedi would also be given charge of training senior side as he is engaged with the youth and junior brigades in Peshawar, Yaqoob said he is thinking for another coach.

“During my visit to Bangkok I had met the president of international volleyball governing body (FIVB) and he had promised that the international body would manage a foreign coach for Pakistan,” he said.

“If that happened then it would be easy for us to continue our project in the most befitting way as only Movahedi would not be able to coach every lot,” Yaqoob said.Movahedi has so far coached Pakistan in this year’s Islamic Games, Asian Championship and World Championship qualifiers.
