College building

December 07, 2017
The state of education in Wahi Pandhi, a major area of Kachho, is unsatisfactory. In 2011, a degree college was announced for Wahi Pandhi. The construction work was started immediately. But after the 2013 elections, work on the project was halted. Consequently, half of the college building was left incomplete. Owing to the unavailability of the college building, the institution had been functioning in Wahi Pandhi’s Government Boys High School since 2011 and the education of many students has been heavily disturbed.
Students of Wahi Pandhi College now attend Johi College, which is 30 kilometres from Wahi Pandhi, for educational purpose and to take exams. The chief minister of Sindh and other officials must look into the matter and take the necessary steps to complete the construction of the building at the earliest. Education must be a priority of the government.
Khaleeq Zaman Rustamni
Wahi Pandhi

