Cricket star Gayle seeks to cash in on Australia court win

November 10, 2017

SYDNEY: West Indies cricket superstar Chris Gayle is seeking to cash in on a court case win against an Australian media group, promising a tell-all interview -- but only if the price is right.

The all-rounder was accused by Fairfax Media, publisher of The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, in a series of stories last year of exposing his penis to a massage therapist and indecently propositioning her.

But a NSW Supreme Court jury ruled a defamation case in his favour late last month, finding the articles were motivated by malice.
A hearing on damages will be held at a later date, but Gayle is already offering his story for a starting price of US$300,000.

"I have a very interested (sic) successful story to tell!! It can be an exclusive 60mins interview or y´all just have to wait on my next book!," he tweeted to his 3.75 million Twitter followers Friday.

"It´s about what transpired in court and behind the scenes in Australia, how they went to bigger heads to get me ban...

"How they want to use me as a scapegoat over a interview - I´ll tell you what I do every day after court, believe me, when I break this down to y´all it will be like a movie! No holding back!

"Biding (sic) starts at US$300K for this interview! So much to say & I will!"

Fairfax published the allegations in the wake of an uproar after Gayle attempted to flirt with an Australian presenter on live TV, asking her out for a drink and telling her: "Don´t blush, baby."

Speaking after the trial, Gayle said the case had been "very emotional".

"I´m a good man. I´m not guilty," he said.

Fairfax has yet to announce whether it will appeal the ruling.
