Strong opposition

By our correspondents
October 20, 2017

It was shocking to find out what the people of Pakistan think about democracy. On one of the talk shows, the host said something to the effect that democracy is nothing more than a veil for corruption. And some of his guests agreed with his statement. It seems as if there is a narrative being built that democracy is bad. Unfortunately those who condemn democracy do not suggest alternatives. All they want is to knock down the current government. This is not a phenomenon that is specific to the present government – it was applied to many (elected) governments that have come before it.


Corruption has of course been used as a reason to remove governments in Pakistan. And any government that is proven to be corrupt should certainly be punished for its corruption. But whether the corruption allegations in the past have ever been proven in court is another matter. So if we are now to move beyond corruption as a reason to remove governments and believe or act on the belief that democracy (which is nothing more than a veil for corruption) itself is the problem, we have a real problem here. It seems that we have chosen the dark road.

Sher Ali Khan (Mardan)
