Kiln workers protest against bonded labour

By our correspondents
October 19, 2017


LAHORE :Pakistan Bhatta Mazdoor Union (brick kiln workers) staged a protest to observe International Day against Slavery outside the Lahore Press Club on Wednesday.

Brick kiln workers were protesting against bonded labour and low wages in the country. They were chanting slogans against the exploiters and capitalists by holding placards reading “End bonded Labour” and death to imperialism”.

Workers and trade union leaders participated in the protest. They demanded the government register labourers/workers with Employees Old Age Benefit (EOAB I) and social security cards be issued to them.

They demanded strict punishments against the brick kiln owners who make slave the workers. According to them, brick kiln workers should be paid Rs 1110 per 1,000 brick, the wages fixed by the Punjab government. The government should ensure health and safety measures at workplaces, they demanded.
