Proteas eye top ODI spot against Bangladesh

October 13, 2017


DUBAI: An interesting battle for the top spot in the ICC ODI Team Rankings could be in the offing as South Africa can displace India if they win the upcoming series against Bangladesh by a 3-0 margin.

India overtook South Africa earlier this month with a 4-1 win in a home series against Australia and are one point ahead at 120 points. But South Africa will go ahead of India on decimal points with a 2-0 lead and could reach 121 points with a 3-0 series win.

However, they can only remain at the top if India are unable to win the opening match of their three-match series against New Zealand on October 22.

If India win that match, they too will be on 121 points but ahead on decimal point calculation. However, India will have to go on to win the series against New Zealand 3-0 to retain the top spot as anything less will see South Africa regain the number one position should they clean sweep the series against Bangladesh.
