Ahsan terms Safdar's hate speech 'tragic'

By Web Desk
October 12, 2017

ISLAMABAD: Interior Minister, senior PNL-N leader Ahsan Iqbal broke the ice over Captain (retd) Safdar’s statement about Ahmadi community, saying it is ‘tragic’ to see hate speech against minorities in National Assembly. We believe in inclusive Pakistan. The country respects all minorities.

As per details, son in law of ousted prime minister Nawaz Sharif Captain (retd) Safdar came under fire over his statements towards the Ahmadi community and he was also heavily criticized on social media as well.

On Tuesday, Captain Safdar turned the National Assembly of Pakistan into a hate speech centre as he stated that "These people [Ahmadis] are a threat to this country, its Constitution and ideology". He further went on to say that he wants to table a resolution in the Assembly asking for a ban on the recruitment of Ahmadis in the armed forces.
