The term poetic license is used for the right assumed by poets to alter or invert standard syntax or depart from common diction or pronunciation to comply with the metrical or tonal requirements of their writing.

By US Desk
September 22, 2017

Poems forever

Poetic license


The term poetic license is used for the right assumed by poets to alter or invert standard syntax or depart from common diction or pronunciation to comply with the metrical or tonal requirements of their writing.

Poets may distort normal prose patterns for the sake of form and therefore assume poetic license; it is solely a matter of aesthetic judgment and sensibility as to whether the alterations enhance or detract from the total effect of the poem.

The term poetic license is also sometimes used in a humorous or pejorative sense to provide an excuse for careless or superficial writing.

O wandering leaf!

By Abdullah Atta

Leaving behind thy dreams and home,

And walking to the Western shores;

With cracked lips so full of thirst,

For life, for gold, for home, for trust.

Thou leaveth that which gives thee dreams,

For tilted figures and wilted gleam.

Thou art but like a piece of straw,

Lifted by the wind, lifted by the draw;

But home is home, o wandering leaf!

Look not for hearth on another tree;

Become the kindling, become the ash,

And never die ‘til Winter lives.

Look homeward! Look, thine eyes might see,

The flames in hearths of distant dreams,

Burning, churning, waiting for thee.


By Bariyah Faisal

In the cruelest of the battles

I say goodbye to depression

In the most difficult times,

I find internal peace

In my most joyous moments,

I find myself chasing after my OCD,

Making sure everything stays in a proper way,

But it never does

Life never follows a straight path

It’s ironic how life plays with us

Gifting us water and fire

In the same moment.


By Andleeb Tariq

Why can’t we just be

Brutally honest

Instead of keeping so much inside?

I am afraid

Our hearts will explode one day


The pieces will

Tell a different story

A misinterpreted heart

By Abdul Moiz Alizai

Reserved, reluctant, reclusive am I

But they think I am shy

My company isn’t wanted anymore

“Too much attitude he has”

This they often say

The kith leave

And the kin doubt

While the truth lurks

Under the unsaid

No, not only unsaid

It’s a misinterpreted unsaid

They see you smile

And tag you happy

They see you quiet

And think you introvert

People are judging

Me by my guise

Little do they know

I am but

A misinterpreted heart

Lingering shadows

By Sunaina Majeed

You and I are apart,

But here a new chapter starts,

For we are a part of the book of love,

So, look into your heart and delve,

I am still there, have always been there -

It was you who never bothered to care

But it’s over now, as I am gone,

And I won’t come back, even though you moan,

Moving on my way alone as I cross my fingers,

The shadow of your memories still lingers.

Dispersed fragments

By SM Hassan Raza


Men condemned to the sound of the lute,

If what they say must be the gospel truth,

Then “to be or not to be” becomes the question,

Better to leave then to live like a brute.


Wish was to keep you within sight or earshot,

The idyllic palace I erected - our very own Camelot,

Trodden asunder was my goblet of dreams,

In such destitution I pined only for a draught.


On hearing the bells knell,

Hard on his knees he fell,

What a poor wretch he was,

Who died for a Jezebel.

Compiled by SK
