Say no to food temptations

Learning how to say no is one of the most useful skills you can develop, especially when it comes to living a healthy life. Saying no to unnecessary commitments can give you the time you need to recover and rejuvenate.

By Gul Nasreen
September 19, 2017


Learning how to say no is one of the most useful skills you can develop, especially when it comes to living a healthy life. Saying no to unnecessary commitments can give you the time you need to recover and rejuvenate. Saying no to daily distractions can give you the space you need to focus on what is important to you. And saying no to frequent food temptations can help you stay on track and achieve your health goals.


Is this worth it? Is the enjoyment you would gain from eating one donut worth missing out on the accomplishment of reaching your weight loss goals? Granted, in the heat of the moment it might seem worth it. But if you take a mental step back from the craving and remember how badly you want to feel the joy of being slender and healthy - suddenly the benefits the donut offers seem shallow and fleeting in comparison.

Try eating a small, healthy snack just before a trip to the grocery store. This will reduce the temptation to make junk food impulsive purchases.

Temptations to indulge never go away, and they will challenge you in your efforts to maintain the weight and fitness you desire. But by recognizing them for what they are - i.e., impulses, not genuine hunger - and responding with self-control, you can gain the upper hand over the munchies.
