‘China investing $46 billion in major sectors’

By our correspondents
September 13, 2017

LAHORE: Pakistan and China will develop each other through the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and we must appreciate China’s development plan for Pakistan, said Punjab University Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Zafar Moeen Nasir.


According to a press release, the VC said this while addressing the concluding ceremony of a two-day international conference on “CPEC: Political, Economic and Social Perspectives” organised by the PU Department of History & Pakistan Studies at the department on Tuesday.

Dean Faculty of Arts and Humanities Prof Dr Iqbal Chawla, Prof Saifullah Janjua, Dr Zhu Qinbao, Prof Dr Agnieszka Kuszewska, Dr Mahboob Hussain, researchers, faculty members and a large number of students were present.

Dr Zafar Moeen Nasir said no country was willing to invest in Pakistan but China was investing an unprecedented 46 billion dollars for the country’s development in major sectors. He said China would get the shortest trade route to export its goods while Pakistan would also take the maximum benefits from the opportunity.

He said the Pakistani people were living in poverty and CPEC would bring prosperity. He said: “Through CPEC Integrated Study Centre at the PU, we would portray the right image of CPEC before the international community because some negative lobbies were propagating against the CPEC.” Dr Agnieska said Pakistan was a country of international importance as it was strategically located on a significant location and was an atomic power. She said Pakistan, China and many other countries of the world would benefit from CPEC. She said CPEC would have major impact on economic and social development of Pakistan.

Prof Dr Zhu Qinbao said the universities of China and Pakistan should work under a framework to promote bilateral relations. He said various economic, social and geographic issues had been highlighted in the conference.
