Fit for life

Today, millions of people across the world are talking about dieting, body shaming and gym routines on various forums. Your friends must be tagging you on pizza memes

By Tooba Ghani
August 25, 2017


Today, millions of people across the world are talking about dieting, body shaming and gym routines on various forums. Your friends must be tagging you on pizza memes; all those before-and-after photos of people who have become fitter pop up on and off in your Instagram feed; and, just think of the huge chunk of time you spend watching videos of celebs working out.


Even at Pakistan Women Festival ‘17, an entire panel discussion was dedicated to health challenges commonly faced by young people in Pakistan. Led by Mr. Arif Ahmed, the session Improving quality of life through workout gave insights into the world of “fitness training” and how we can make the most out of it.

Check your fuel

A common complaint: “I have been going to gym for the last two years, but I haven’t noticed any difference; I think I have only burnt money!”

How can address this issue?

As a nutritionist, Tayyaba Khan is all for a healthy eating plan. “When it comes to feeling good in terms of leading a good life and [more specifically] maintaining a healthy weight, it is important that you have a healthy eating plan.

“And, please don’t fall for all the fad diets; our bodies aren’t made for these crash diets!”

Eat everything in moderation! People could be spending hours in gym, but if they aren’t cutting down on extra cookies in the evening or licking the leftover cheesy dip, then they will never be able to get a flat tummy. Just be mindful of the fuel you are putting in your tummy.

“People come to me and share their inspiring stories of how they have lost 10 - 11 kg weight in four weeks with proper workout routine and low-calorie diet,” Naseer, a Karachi-based bootcamp instructor, emphasizes the importance of keeping your calorie intake in check.

“Most of the young girls who come to me for training aren’t aware of the kind of foods they should be eating more frequently. They aren’t taking enough proteins or feeding themselves with a lot of carbs. Biryani isn’t an unhealthy food; it is the way you eat it which is unhealthy. If you heap your plate with rice and only take a small piece of chicken to go with it, then you are eating it all wrong,” Dosti Jafri, a Zumba instructor, shares her opinion.

It’s not just the looks

Admit it or not, we exercise because we want to look gorgeous. Well, there is nothing wrong with this; good looks matter, right? But, you don’t just exercise for looks, you also want to maintain your sugar level and regulate your sleep; and, you want to de-stress and feel energetic.

Naseer talks about the benefits of exercising: “After exercising, when you begin working, you are alert and more focused.”

Our body is designed to move. Unfortunately, our sedentary lifestyles make it nearly impossible for us to engage in physical activities. We sit most of day and still feel lethargic!

“Exercise is all about increasing your productivity. There are so many young women who joined our fitness training classes to strengthen their body so that they could perform day-to-day tasks effectively. A woman recently joined us because she was physically and couldn’t even carry a baby. After spending some in the gym, she felt stronger,” Dosti shares.


Every time we come across fitness-related content on social media, we express our earnest desire to have a “fit” body. And, we become vulnerable to fad dieting, weight loss medication, extreme workouts and so many other nasty methods to get the desired results. But, unfortunately, these quick fixes are temporary and can leave you with health complications in the long run.

Naseer advises, “You will find a flood of ideas on social media so you have to be smart enough to pick the right ones. Avoid things that sound crazy and keep everything natural because we are human beings; we all have cravings and we would always want to have halwa puri once in a while.”

Bad influences aside, there are instructors - including Dosti - who are using social media not just for marketing, but also to educate people.

Dosti shares, “I do believe in maintaining a good profile on social media. Through sharing useful content with your followers, you can guide them accurately and help them take better health-related decisions.”

What does it take to be a trainer?

If you think all you need to become a trainer is a toned body, then you are one hundred percent wrong. Unlike any other profession, you need to have certifications and experience if you want to pursue a career in fitness training.

“In fact, certificates alone can’t make you a good trainer; what matters most is your gym experience. And, what I have noticed is people go places for certified training, but when they come back, they aren’t able to apply the knowledge they have acquired,” Naseer expresses his concerns.

Dosti Jafry has been to countries like America and Singapore for her Zumba trainings. She thinks, “There is no doubt certifications really sharpen you as a professional trainer and you stay updated. But when it comes to applying that knowledge, trainers fail to adapt it according to the context. Every body is different, so it’s important for a trainer to learn how to customize workouts for their clients.”

Our problematic fitness goals

One of the most popular reasons for which people join bootcamps is that they are getting married in the near future. Naseer mentions, “A lot of grooms and brides come to me and say they want to work out and lose weight as fast as possible.” And, here comes the problem: our decision to cut down our calorie intake and work out daily is based around a very short-sighted goal. Don’t think of bootcamps as a permanent solution to your fitness problems; they can help you get started, but if you don’t continue with that regime, you will eventually slip into your old habits.

“Your goal should be a healthy lifestyle! Go to gym regularly and eat a balanced diet to achieve a body that helps your perform your daily tasks efficiently,” Tayyaba advises.
