Better than cure

By our correspondents
August 21, 2017

World Mosquito Day was first established in 1897, when the link between mosquitoes and malaria transmission was discovered by Sir Ronald Ross. It aims to raise awareness about the causes of malaria and how it can be prevented. The day is also observed to increase the amount of funding for carrying out the research to find out the cure of this disease. They day also commemorates the remarkable work of Sir Ross and other scientists who have followed him.


The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine celebrates World Mosquito Day with exhibitions and parties designed both to entertain and to inform people. Other celebrations, including Malaria No More’s ‘Mozzy Air’ campaign, encourage people to take anti-malarial when flying to malaria zones, and ‘Nothing But Nets’ twitter campaigns is being carried out on a large scale to convince people to donate to provide mosquito nets to poor communities.

Emaan Ali (Karachi)
