Are you ready to become an adult?

I have surely been ‘adulting’ from the time I was in 9th grade. Since then, I have struggled with, adjusted to, and barely mastered the art of being a grown up. And let me tell you, it is hell of a tough job to do. Fact.

By I.S
July 18, 2017


I have surely been ‘adulting’ from the time I was in 9th grade. Since then, I have struggled with, adjusted to, and barely mastered the art of being a grown up. And let me tell you, it is hell of a tough job to do. Fact. End rant.


Back in the day when I was 21 I used to write stuff about things you had to START doing in order to become an adult. Such things included: cooking real dinners (not in the microwave), doing home chores and killing bugs without freaking out. Now, I do all of those things without even thinking.

Part 1 ends here and now I come to part 2. Let me explain how... While crossing over to the other side (adulthood), I have noticed that growing up doesn’t just happen when you start doing certain things. You have to STOP doing things as well. And fast forward six years, I have just flat out stopped doing stuff that seemed exciting ‘back then’.

So far, here’s what I have found to be the timeline of adulthood - Part 1: start doing stuff: Part 2; stop doing stuff; Part 3: try to have the best life; Part 4: retire! Since I am only on part 2, I have discovered that there are some things that you must STOP doing in your late 20s officially in order to cross over into adulthood and part 3. Here’s the list...

1. Going out every weekend

I spent a major part of my mid-20s going out even if I wanted to spend at home. But now I stay in when I want to stay in. I go out now as much as I stayed in during my early 20s. It’s almost as if ‘going out’ and ‘staying in’ swapped places. Actually, they definitely did swap places.

2. Sending mass texts

Mass texts were the bane of my existence from my early 20s through my mid 20s. The difference: everyone played along with the mass text in my early 20s, unlike my mid 20s when everyone pretty much started answering them less and less, until mass texts became extinct. Side note: This does not include mass texts with a small group of friends about life in general. This is more mass texts with a bunch of random people about making plans.

3. Shopping for cheap fast fashion

Hopefully, most people stop shopping for funky and hip clothes around age 25 i.e. before the idea of adulthood becomes even remotely appealing. When I say ‘cheap fast fashion’ I mean buying super trendy clothing at high prices from semi-expensive stores. I mean, it’s fine to buy some stylish stuff - but focusing on investment pieces that you can wear a lot is so much more adult.

4. Stopped being narcissistic

Yes, I got over myself and put a stop to my narcissistic attitude. Now I let people to get to know the real me, and not get fooled by the fake image I had put up for myself through selfies and clever Tweets.

5. No more comparisons

There are two sides to this. On the one hand, it’s essential for you to let yourself be motivated by the success of others. That is what pushes and inspires you to accomplish more for yourself. The dark side to this is envy. In my late 20s, I have learned how to be content with my limitations and accomplishments, putting aside the pettiness of envy.

6. Deferring to my elder siblings before making important life choices

As a newfound grown up, I figure out things myself, or at least I try. As they are abroad, I used to call them literally every time I wanted to make a decision. I would ask them everything - from finding out how long I should put something in the microwave to how should I phrase this letter to a prospective new job. Now I only ask them how are they doing in life? That’s it... #Adulting

7. Being on top of today’s hottest music

You don’t have to ever stop listening to pop music. Remember it is absolutely not about stopping cool music playlists from appearing on your Soundcloud, but as an adult, you just have to stop caring about what cool songs to put on your cool playlist.

8. Stopped thinking I am invincible

I love taking stupid risks too, but now is the time to take care of myself. So, the next adult chores that I have started doing includes going to the doctor, avoiding dangerous stunts etc. And most importantly nobody can now dictate me what to do and how to go about things - chiefly an adult thing.

9. Stopped living life for others

You should take care of your responsibilities and those who rely on you. But you also need to start making your own decisions when you are in your late 20s because if your career, lifestyle, etc have all been decided for you, then there is nothing left for you to take ownership of. So take charge of your life and stop living for others.

10. Life goes on...

When you are in your early 20s you tend to be very emotional. One break up and you think your life is over. You start listening to all those melodramatic sad songs. Well, as you gain maturity you realise that there is life beyond puppy love. There are real issues in life that need to be dealt with. Eventually, you will meet your Mr. Right when the time is right.
