Hassan Khalid

Hassan Khalid is a Karachi-based actor. He got his early education from Aitchison Model School, then attended DA Degree College for Men, and then got his Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering from UCTI Malaysia.

By Nida raza
July 18, 2017

you & me

Hassan Khalid is a Karachi-based actor. He got his early education from Aitchison Model School, then attended DA Degree College for Men, and then got his Bachelor’s Degree in Telecommunication Engineering from UCTI Malaysia. Though 31-year-old Hassan’s entry into the entertainment industry is only a year-old, judging from his acting it is evident that he will surely go places. Hassan was introduced to the showbiz world by his school friend Fahad Mustafa who saw a talented actor in him. “Somewhere in the back of my head I’ve had always wanted to act, but didn’t have the confidence to actually try it. To be honest Fahad, kind of forced me in this field, so I’ll always be grateful to him for his faith in me,” says Hassan. These days Hassan is busy shooting for his two upcoming drama serials. Let’s take a look at this promising actor’s likes and dislikes...


How many drama serials you have done so far?

So far I have appeared in two drama serials. First one was ‘Ye Ishq’ and the other one was ‘Waada’.

Your most memorable fashion shows or drama serials:

I’d say my most memorable drama serial will always be ‘Ye Ishq’. Having no formal acting training or experience in the past, it was like being pushed into rough waters to learn how to swim. I made so many bloopers during the shoot, that’ll always be in my memory.

Is acting your passion or just a time pass? Or a way of making money?

I think acting is becoming my passion. It’s certainly not a career for me at the moment, but it could be in the future.

Your favourite international labels:

H&M and Zara.

Your favourite designer:

Umar Sayeed.

Your favourite photographer:

Haven’t had many photos taken professionally, but so far two photographers have managed to capture some of my best photos and they both are my friends - Sharjeel Khan and Baqar Zaidi.

What do you usually wear in daily life?

Casual wear mostly, chinos and polos in western, but nothing beats shalwar kameez on a regular day.

Your idea of romance:

Long conversations, somewhere on top of a hill, under the night sky, with no one else to ruin the intimate privacy.

One thing you like best about yourself:

I like my attention to detail. Everything has to be in the right order.

You like girls who are...

Funny and intelligent.

What is your favourite tune nowadays?

‘Shape of You’ by Ed Sheeran.

Things you can’t live without would be...

My iPod and earphones.

What’s your favourite holiday destination?

Krabi Island in Thailand. Well I would love to visit New Zealand one day.

Things that turn you off would be...

Gloating, backbiting, bad hygiene, especially bad breath.

Things that turn you on...

Sense of humor, intelligence, and a bit of rebelliousness.

If you had access to a time machine which era would you like to revisit?

I’d love to have a peek at how Salahuddin Ayubi conquered Jerusalem and ran his multi faith kingdom so successfully.

Coffee shops or dhabaas?

Dhabaas for life, coffee shops with wife.

Which superstar do you envy the most?

Fawad Khan. That guy sure knows how to make any girl swoon.

What do you think this country needs the most?

Our country needs education, tolerance and honest leaders.

You are afraid of...

I’m afraid of spiders, closed and confined spaces, and waking up to find that there is no tea in the house.

Your most valuable possession:

My dog, Dingo. No one can take Dingo away from me.

Your favourite restaurant:

It has to be ‘Ambrosia’.

Your all time favourite movie?

Iranian movie ‘Children of Heaven’.

What bores you the most...

Small talks.

You are crazy about...

Nicole Kidman.

Among your friends you are known as...

I’m known as ‘The know it all guy’.

Are you a social person or a loner?

A very social person.

How do you like to spend your Sundays?

Though I would love to spend my Sundays on either the beach or just casual excursions outside the city; my Sundays are mostly spent just like any other average Pakistani guy, doing shopping for the week with mum!

What’s your favourite breakfast food?

Halwa Puri.

Your favourite exercise...

Shoulder presses.

The best gift you have ever received?

A taser, when I was 15. The most fun toy for any brooding teenager.

The best thing that’s been said about you:

If anyone wants to know what a true friend looks like, look at Hassan. That for me is a million dollar compliment.

The biggest misconception about you...

I am a bit of a smartass. When the fact is that I’m just too honest in my opinions, and the filter between my mind and my mouth doesn’t work very effectively.

What would be your advice to someone who wants to become an actor?

There’s no shortcut to success. So practice, work hard, observe how the veterans do it, work on your dialogue delivery, especially body language. And always practice in front of a mirror.

What do you like most about your job?

What I love about acting is whenever I come back home from a shoot, my mom greets me like Shahrukh Khan just dropped in the arena!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I would really like to see myself make a successful career out of my newly found passion - acting.
