A Poison Tree by William Blake What pent up anger can do to you.

By S. K
July 14, 2017

Poems forever

A Poison Tree by William Blake

What pent up anger can do to you.


I was angry with my friend:

I told my wrath, my wrath did end.

I was angry with my foe:

I told it not, my wrath did grow.

And I watered it in fears,

Night and morning with my tears;

And I sunned it with smiles,

And with soft deceitful wiles.

And it grew both day and night,

Till it bore an apple bright.

And my foe beheld it shine.

And he knew that it was mine,

And into my garden stole

When the night had veiled the pole;

In the morning glad I see

My foe outstretched beneath the tree.

Shattered fantasy

By Shafi Rehman

These pieces of my shattered fantasy

I am laughing aloud in ecstasy

Who will mend my broken pieces?

Are you here to play the role of Jesus?

These sharp stark threatening eyes

I am glancing at them with an awful sigh

How deep is the scar you’ve left behind?

I know that you will never be kind

You’ve made me aloof and indifferent

I know how to leave behind this distance

My shadows are afraid for my existence

The golden rays of sun can’t show resistance.

A saint’s past

By Wardah Farhat

Too awed to respond

Too surprised to raise my hands

All I can do

Is prostrate before You!

You have been far too kind

To a mere speck like me

My Lord!

Your infinite Mercy

Your truly unconditional love

I do not deserve.

I have been nothing

But a thankless servant

An arrogant being

A stubborn child

Too sinful too lost

Ignorant, unrepentant!

Despite all my discretion

I’m showered with ur Rehmat,

With bounties innumerable.

You showed me

The light, a gleaming hope

In the darkest of times

And a path opened up,

Unfathomable yet certain

You guided me through.

Every step along the way

I knew You were there

Every time I stumbled

You picked me up again

I rose through the ashes

Of my shattered existence

Unscathed, unhurt

Like a phoenix

I breathe anew

For everything I lost

I gained a lot more

I found myself


In myself

I found You!


By Arab Gul

My Love!

I didn’t stop

Writing about you;

But every word,

Describing beauty,

Seems indisposed

To describe you;

And somehow

The paper stays empty.

A buoyant dawn

By Hiba Alamzaib

I closed my eyes. I dreamed

My arms around him,

Feeling the smooth surface

Of soft cotton, merged with

Sweet myrrh and our

Dreams. My head rested on one

Shoulder, my mind afloat

Amongst a thousand separations,

And in between, were memories

Softly woven, few lacked the skill

Of an ancient weaver, but all seemed

Merry, as our feet took steps, back

And forth with the dim tune, a muse

Playing melodies in our hearts,

And us, helplessly following her

Directions, silently soothing in the

Delicate yet comforting aura of our

Dreams, desires, mistakes.

Compiled by SK
