‘No hiring of transgender by QAU’

By our correspondents
May 22, 2017

Islamabad: The Quaid-i-Azam University has denied the appointment of a transgender person as a lecturer.


The denial comes after the surfacing of reports, which suggested Aisha Mughal, a transgender, was picked up for the post of regular faculty member at the QAU Centre of Excellence in Gender Studies.

Established under the Centre of Excellence Act in August 2004, the Centre of Excellence in Gender Studies is an autonomous body working through its board of governors chaired by the QAU vice-chancellor and funded by the government through the Higher Education Commission.

It offers offer MSc course in gender studies.

Dr. Kiran Nazir Ahmad, in charge of the centre, rejected the reports as false and said no member of the transgender has been hired as regular faculty.

“A representative of the transgender community was recently invited to a function as a guest speaker. However, there has been no hiring as such,” she said in a statement.
