Nuclear weapons

By our correspondents
April 29, 2017

Since 2005, each year on April 29, a memorial day of remembrance for all victims of chemical warfare is observed. The peaceful nations are striving hard to free this world from chemical weapons and to create awareness among the people regarding the consequences of chemical weapons. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) is committed to eliminate the threat of chemical weapons, promoting the goals of peace, security, and multilateralism. April 29, 2007 was set for the destruction of all declared chemical weapons stockpiles. But so far very little has been done in this regard and the date set for destruction of all chemical weapons keep getting extended.


As 85th session of the OPCW is approaching and is scheduled to be held in mid-July 2017, an invitation was extended by the US government to the OPCW executive council for a visit of the Blue Grass Chemical Weapons Destruction Facility (CWDF) in Kentucky from April 2 to April 6. During the visit of the OPCW delegation, a detailed briefing on the US’ plans for the complete destruction of its chemical arsenal was given by the officials of the US Assembled Chemical Weapons Alternatives (ACWA) programme. As the visit of the executive council was in progress, the use of chemical weapons in Khan Sheikhun, Syria was reported on April 4, 2017. Accordingly, the OPCW constituted its fact-finding mission which collected samples for the analysis. The OPCW report is likely to be instituted within the next two to three weeks. The recent chemical attack in Syria displays the horrific image of the devastation caused by chemical weapons. The world hasn’t forgotten about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The destruction caused by nuclear weapons is irreversible and everlasting.

Afshain Afzal

