Physicians body signs MoU for training young doctors in UK

By Muhammad Qasim
March 30, 2017



The College of Physicians and Surgeons Pakistan has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Walsall National Hospital Trust for training of young Pakistani doctors who have passed IMM examination (Intermediate Module) through the CPSP and have two years of clinical experience.

President CPSP signed the MoU under which 25 young Pakistani doctors would be sent to Walsall National Hospital Trust in UK for two-year training. IMM examination (Intermediate Module) is a part of FCPS that is comprised of FCPS-I Examination, FCPS Training, IMM examination, Dissertation, Workshops and FCPS-II examination. The training jobs that are being created through the recent MoU are in addition to 100 training slots already arranged from University of Birmingham in UK, said Regional Director and Councillor of CPSP Islamabad Professor Dr. Mohammad Shoaib Shafi while talking to ‘The News’ on Wednesday.

He said the MoU signed with the Walsall National Hospital Trust, UK is another milestone in the history of Pakistan and the CPSP at post-graduate level education. It is important that a team of doctors from University of Birmingham, UK has interviewed CPSP fellows and postgraduate trainees for two-year training in UK in the middle of March.

Professor Shoaib said that like that of training in University of Birmingham, the young doctors who would be selected for training in Walsall National Hospital Trust, UK would be able to have training without taking PLAB test, a test that is necessary for practicing medicine in UK. The successful candidates would be exempted from PLAB test, he said.

He explained that the training programme is a scholarship scheme having almost the same pattern like that of the training at University of Birmingham. The successful candidates for training at Walsall National Hospital Trust in UK would be provided with a scholarship amounting to UK Pounds 3000 per month, said Professor Shoaib.
