Islooites regularly waste water without realising the damage they are causing

By Myra Imran
March 22, 2017



As the world commemorates World Water Day around the theme ‘Why waste water?’ people living in Islamabad regularly waste this precious resource without realising the damage they are causing.

Despite alarming statistics about the situation of clean drinking water in the country, clean water can be seen coming out from the driveways of almost every household of Islamabad in the morning. Water is wasted unchecked in washrooms, kitchen and lawns. Those who are blessed with the facility in abundance have no idea how important it is to conserve water.

Some interesting information disseminated under one of the Capital Development Authority (CDA) awareness project shows that a household can save an average of 1,500 litres of water every day by being just a little careful while using water.

For kitchen, these tips include steps like closing the tap while applying soap to the dishes, using a separate bowl or a basin to dip dirty dishes in soap and water so that less water is used in rinsing and avoid wasting water in rinsing clothes by using buckets instead of tap. The housewives can use broom or mop instead of throwing a bucket full of water on the floors. Instead of water pipe, using buckets to wash floor of a room saves 150 litres of water per day that makes saving 450 litres for the whole house every day. Similarly, washing clothes through buckets or washing machines instead of tap water can save 90 litres per day that makes 2,700 litres per month.

For the chores related to cooking and dish washing, a normal household uses 320 litres daily which can be reduced to 120 litres if some simple directions are followed like closing the tap when not needed etc. That way, a household can save 240 litres per day that makes 7200 litres per month.

Similarly, water can be saved by washing cars with bucket of water and a sponge or cloth instead of water pipe. It is also advised to wash the car near the lawn or grassy area so that extra water can be used for irrigation.

In addition, an average of 200 litres of water can be saved by each household every day through fixing leaking taps, faulty washers and plumbing joints and a similar amount can be saved by avoiding overflow of the water tank.

The statistics say that every individual wastes an average of 20 litres of water while brushing teeth and 25 litres of water while shaving as they let water run throughout the process. It suggests that shower should not accede 4 minutes or at least it should be closed while applying shampoo. Every household can save 200 litres per day by following conservation tips only in washrooms.

These statistics clearly reveal that every individual can play very important role in saving water for the coming generations.
