A comic relief in tense atmosphere

By Fasihur Rehman Khan
March 16, 2017


View from the Gallery

In absence of any major legislative business at hand, our MPs have a knack for small time point scoring skirmishes that often end up in war of words, exchange of abuses. And what not. On a lucky day, however, laughters are exchanged, jokes cracked bringing some comic relief to the otherwise tense atmosphere. Wednesday was one such day. Opposition’s lead party, PPP, trying to ward off pressure over Haqqani leaks on the heels of its tangle with the PML-N on the military courts extension issue. Then came -- calculated, sentimental, yet full of rhetoric -- thirty minutes plus outburst from none other than the Opposition Leader Khurshid Shah. That, too, delivered barely a few minutes after finding out that the treasury is trying to play smart through parliamentary or judicial commission on Haqqani leaks. Mr Shah, ever since assuming the opposition leader’s role, now masters the art of delivering a hard hitting speech covering an amalgam of national, international, developmental, parliamentary, economic etc. issue in one go.

On Wednesday, too, he blew hot and cold over the lack of quorum and interest shown by ministers as well as majority of the treasury MPs, a routine affair during the past weeks and months. Remember last time PML-N holding a parliamentary party meeting before or during a session. It has become scarce, literally extinct. Hence, the chronic quorum issue. One federal minister Sheikh Aftab, after Khawaja Asif had left, could be seen on treasury front rows along with 2-3 ministers of state till Wednesday afternoon. So low is the treasury’s interest in National Assembly proceedings these days that hardly 20-30 of them could be located in a huge hall.

And opposition can force a suspension of session at will by pointing out the quorum, any moment. This was exactly opposition leader’s main point of concern on Wednesday, too. But his real focus revolved around Haqqani leaks fallout, and damage control thereafter. Suddenly, he reminded everyone how Zardari sahib’s “Pakistan khapay” had saved this state in early 2008. And then the usual “Sindh card” volley PPP throws every now and then to scare the federation. And make PPP backbenchers feel re-energized. Timely diversions work at critical moments.

The elder Zardari sister, Dr Azra Fazal, could guess well what their able opposition leader was up to. Read carefully Mr Shah’s words. He warns every stakeholders that if Zardari-Gilani duo would be held answerable for former ambassador Haqqani’s utterances, the “real” establishment’s role would also come under spotlight, threadbare. His sentiments echoed elaborately by Rehman Malik who, through press statement, demanded immediate release of Abbottabad Commission Report and then inquiry into American drone operation from Pakistani airbase. Everyone could see it coming after Defense Minister Kh Asif gave the government nod to unleash memogate’s second edition through any form of parliamentary or judicial commission. The PTI, this day, led by the more a tactful wheeler-dealer than politician, Jahangir Tareen, readily agreed after a meeting at the lobbies.

These days, the PTI tends to differ rather sharply with the PPP, as a matter of tactic. Deputy Speaker Murtaza Abbasi wanted consensus TORs for the said commission – hard to come by in the days of ongoing tough negotiations on military courts, on the heels of anxiously awaited Panama case decision.

On Wednesday Minister Aftab Sheikh responded to Khurshid Shah’s political onslaught to cover up PPP’s lows on the Haqqani issue. In his usual slow, unassuming style, the minister started counting the hallmark achievements of PML during the last three decades or so – no less. This became too hard to swallow for the compulsory publicity mongers like Jamshed Dasti, and also the lone PML-Q legislator Tariq Cheema – Ch Pervaiz Elahi rarely turns up in parliament. Both started quipping, interrupting the minister through taunts. PTI’s ace TV talk show performer, Dr Arif Alvi, did’nt lag behind, creating a rumpus despite deputy speaker’s usual monitor style discipline enforcement. Feeling compelled to come to aid to his colleague, Sheikh Rohail Asghar, tried to intimidate the loud mouth Jamshed Dasti.

But to no avail. Khurshid Shah interrupted in calming down the situation, rather giving the whole thing a comic twist. He wanted the opposition MPs to give full attention to the lone minister’s performance. Another laughter, light moment. This was exactly the time, Speaker Ayaz Sadiq was gearing up for yet another meeting of parliamentary leaders of all parties to reach a consensus on military courts issue. No consensus till date.

The speaker is yet to announce Murad Saeed-Javed Latif bout decision, finalized lately by a committee. Both the gentlemen were present in the house, looking a bit relaxed after venting out emotions and cooling down through two, three back to back television talk shows. This is the way to go about it in the days of selfies, social media etc – a changed political culture.
