SC acquits two awarded life-term by trial court

By our correspondents
March 04, 2017

ISLAMABAD: The Supreme Court Friday acquitted two convicts, awarded life imprisonment by the Lahore High Court (LHC) for lack of evidence.


A three-member SC bench, headed by Justice Asif Saeed Khosa, heard the case, filed by convicts against the LHC verdict. Convicts Chan Zaib and Muhammad Saddiq had allegedly murdered one Sajid in Chechawatni in 2005. The trial court awarded life imprisonment to the accused, which was later upheld by the LHC.

The apex court observed that the police gave the petitioner an opportunity to fabricate a story by delaying the post-mortem, saying that the whole case of the prosecution was based on doubts and misgivings.

The court also ordered for acquittal of another convict, Khuda Dad nicknamed Pehlwan, by extending him the benefit of doubt. There were charges of murder of a person named Miran Jan in the Panchpai area of Quetta in 2006 against the accused.
