PU teachers concerned over sackings

By our correspondents
February 27, 2017

LAHORE: Federation of All Pakistan Universities Academic Staff Association (FAPUASA) has shown concern over the removal of over 40 senior level contract professors from Punjab University (PU).


In a joint statement, FAPUASA President Prof Dr Hamayoun Khan, Secretary Dr Mahboob Hussain and Punjab President Dr Suhail Aftab have said the professors were really big names in their disciplines. “They are our national asset and such professors are highly regarded and respected all around the world, and their potential is fully exploited in the national interest,” they said.

“The way these eminent professors have been removed all of a sudden without any performance audit or a prior notice is humiliating and insulting,” reads the statement. The FAPUASA leaders have expressed the hope that the PU vice-chancellor and registrar would review their decision.
