Here’s why Cameron wants to kidnap Tendulkar

By Monitoring Report
December 04, 2016


LAHORE: Former British Prime Minister David Cameron joked on Saturday that his country might want to kidnap cricketing great Sachin Tendulkar to train the England cricket team, which is having a tough time during its ongoing India tour, according to the media reports.

The 50-year-old seasoned politician was at his rhetorical best at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit, where leaders have gathered to discuss the change India needs.

Cameron said he was genuinely passionate about the connect between India and the UK – not just because the “shared ties of history and culture” but also because of the “modern partnership” based on jobs and investments.

“Every time I come (to India), I am blown away by the progress and the potential that I see,” he said, as the audience gave him a huge round of applause. In the packed auditorium, Cameron also talked about India and the UK’s shared love for the “beautiful game of cricket”.

“Given the way the Test series (between the two countries) is going… we need to kidnap him (Tendulkar)… for training,” he said, referring to the series where India have won the two five-day matches played so far.

On a lighter note, he shared three life lessons: Never play golf with US President Barack Obama (because you cannot win), never go to a party with Silvio Berlusconi (controversial former Italian PM) and probably don’t appear on a platform in front of 60,000 people with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi – because you will never “compete with his rhetoric” and ability to connect with the people.
