rish verse in one of the most ancient in Europe. A sense of natural beauty characterizes Celtic Ireland’s poetry and prose.

By S. K
December 02, 2016

The beauty of Irish verse

rish verse in one of the most ancient in Europe. A sense of natural beauty characterizes Celtic Ireland’s poetry and prose. A strong characteristic feature of early Irish verse is its passionate love of nature and its religious intensity. Sometimes these qualities merge with each other, such as in the ‘Deer’s Cry’, attributed to St Patrick:


I arise today

Through the strength of heaven:

Light of sun,

Radiance of moon,

Splendour of fire,

Speed of lightning,

Swiftness of wind,

Depth of sea,

Stability of earth,

Firmness of rock.


By Shafi Rehman

These clouds of doubts surfing across my mind

and wondering how to leave the shadows behind

I’m feeling numb and can resist their temptation

and this time I’m not feeling any hesitation

I’ve visualized both sides of the story

In my defeat I know was your glory

At the corner of my mind light is still igniting

and I can’t help avoid this fighting

What else is left to prove here?

This pain I can now easily bear

I know that you don’t have to care

and what else do I have to swear?


By Ayesha Malik

Down ,down, down

Into the dark sea

Lost in the murky waters

All hope and ecstasy

Twirling around

Entangling more and more

In the web of reeds

No way out

Only a soliloquy

Of despair, sorrow and melancholy

Suddenly I see a twinkle

A light at the end of the tunnel

Something to behold

And slowly make my way out

One step at a time

Treading the unknown

Finally feeling the breeze

Of freedom, love and a reality

Above and beyond

All that is gloomy, dark and obsolete

Where life is fresh as a daisy

A real fantasy

Full of fragrance and beauty

And reminds me that life

Moves on slowly and gradually

Towards a resplendent glory.

The girl on fire

By Anoosha Khalid

Sitting by the warm, glowing fire,

She looked at the dancing flames.

She thought about the things that were happening in her life.

She glanced at the fire again; it was fading.

She felt the same inside her,

where her real self was dying,

buried under a thousand screams.

Her eyes heavy, she watches the burning element.

Then, suddenly, it lives up and burns so bright that her eyes can’t take it no more.

She closes her eyes. She sees herself, coming alive,

rising from the cliff she has just fallen off.

She flies until she reaches the sky and then she flashes a smile

which shines so luminous that the world lights up.,


By Asma Zainab

They say the pen

Is mightier than the sword,

Yet she felt weaker,

More vulnerable

With every verse

That she wrote


By Maryum Tayyab

My mind caulked

Looking around,

I espied the ghosts again.

Their chutzpah haunted me,

Searching for a carapace,

I found none!

They finagled everything,

A coterie of them

I blinked my eyes,



The sight did not change.

Asphyxiating, scorching, menacing,

Like rhythmic pulse,

Behind a bruise.

I was lost,

Among the ghosts,

Of wasted years, that haunted me!
