Career counselling: Questions and answers

By our correspondents
October 23, 2016


Q1). I have passed my intermediate exam with 75 percent marks and I have decided to opt for BS in Nutrition in DOW University.

Now the problem is that this bachelor’s degree has two fields: Clinical Dietetics and Public Health, and we can choose either of them. I was confused as to what field should I choose and if you could guide me through it and tell me which field has more scope in Pakistan as well as abroad. (Nasira Yaqoob -Karachi)

Ans: Having gone through the details of the degrees that you have proposed doing at DOW University. I would be more inclined to recommend Public Health. There are two reasons for this: firstly, your chances of getting a job in Pakistan are comparatively better and secondly public health is something that is generalized for international market. Therefore, if you wish to proceed abroad for further studies you have more opportunities in finding a specialty degree than compared to clinical dietetics which really is little too specialised and niche area, unless you wish to become a researcher then it’s better to choose dietetics.

Q2). I have just got my Power & Electrical degree with CGPA 2.2. I am seeking further studies but having difficulty in getting admission in M.S. due to low CGPA. Please suggest me what to do. Or I should seek admission abroad? (Najam Faraz – Islamabad)

Ans: Your grades are really too low and I doubt very much that you would be very much successful in doing an MS or a related engineering degree at postgraduate level in Pakistan. However, if you wish to apply for abroad then you would need to opt for Pre-Master's in Management or Engineering degree as a top-up. This combination of engineering and management may increase your career prospects in future.

Q3). I completed BTec (Hons) electrical and I desire to take admission in MBA but I am confuse that which trade I choose with reference to electrical engineering. (Zahid Hafeez – Gujranwala)

Ans: My recommendations to you would be to work for a few years and if you don’t find paid work you should go into internships to gain firsthand experience of your industry. Doing an MBA at this stage is not going to enhance your career prospects neither do this connect with your basic qualification.

Q4). I am a pre-engineering student from Peshawar. Sir, my academic record is good but now I realise that I chose a wrong stream.

My aptitude is in medical. And now I am confused regarding subject selection. I don't want to pursue engineering or any related field. Kindly guide me whether I should opt for psychology or should I waste my one year and do additional biology. People are saying there is no scope of psychology and this has really baffled me. I shall be very thankful to you. (Zainab Fatima- Rawalpindi)

Ans: I think you have a problem here of the time that you have spent in making a decision at a very important juncture of your life.

My advice to you is please do an additional biology and pursue a full BS (Hons) in any of the degrees; Molecular biology, biochemistry and biotechnology. I guess that your maths , physics and chemistry is very good which would certainly help when you commence your degree in biological sciences following which there are huge opportunities in research in the areas of virology, genetic engineering, cloning and biosciences.

If you feel you are a bit too late then do your honors in psychology and write to me once you graduate for further advice.

(Syed Azhar Husnain Abidi is a renowned educationist in Pakistan, with more than 20 years of experience as provider of education counselling services. He has represented Pakistan in over 100 national and international seminars, conferences and fora. He is the recipient of the most coveted civil award Tamgha-e-Imtiaz).
