Grow strong!

Every mother wants her child to be healthy and for that she takes extra care of her kid’s diet. However, there are many moms who do not pay heed to nutritional supplements that are essential for children’s growth years.

By M.S
October 18, 2016


Every mother wants her child to be healthy and for that she takes extra care of her kid’s diet. However, there are many moms who do not pay heed to nutritional supplements that are essential for children’s growth years. So keeping this in mind, recently, Horlicks organised the ‘Power of 3 Master Class’. The event was hosted by Sidra Iqbal, who highlighted the fact that milk alone might not meet the daily nutrition intake needed for school going children


The three panelists - model and actor Sunita, nutritionist Amina Mujib Khan and pediatrician Dr. Durr-e-Shehwar - emphasized on the importance of nutritional supplements like Horlicks for a growing child. During the master class, the guests, including mothers, teachers, and media personnel, were also informed of the dietary issues that Pakistani children face which makes these supplements important for growth of school going children.

Sunita Marshall, Mantaha Maqsood, Sidra Iqbal, Amina Mujib, Tooba Siddiqui and Dr. Durr-e-Shehwar

At the event Sunita Marshall said, "The key to encourage children to eat well is to always eat healthy yourself, as children imitate their parents. What you do not want your child to eat shouldn’t be eaten in front of them."

According to Dr. Shehwar, an unbalanced diet hinders the height and weight of children. "There is rising deficiency of vitamins and iron in children which can cause anemia and also affect brain development. Giving children supplements along with their daily diet can provide them with the required amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and other vital nutrients that will make their bones and muscles stronger and increase their height. And it also helps in the development of their brain," she shared.

"One problem that is overlooked by moms is the deficiency of proteins and carbohydrates, which is known as hidden hunger. This affects the brain, vitality and stamina of a school going child," informed nutritionist Amina.

So, make sure that you include nutritious supplements in your kid’s daily routine so that your child stays healthy and active!


Sunita Marshall, Mantaha Maqsood, Sidra Iqbal, Amina Mujib, Tooba Siddiqui and Dr. Durr-e-Shehwar
