Sartaj invites Arab League’s attention to Indian atrocities in IHK

By our correspondents
August 12, 2016

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister’s Adviser on Foreign Affairs Sartaj Aziz has written a letter to the secretary general of Arab League highlighting the horrific Indian brutalities in held Kashmir.


The adviser underscored that India has unleashed a reign of terror against the innocent and defenceless civilians since the extrajudicial killing of a young Kashmiri leader Burhan Wani on July 8, 2016, a press release issued by the foreign affairs ministry said here on Thursday. The adviser also emphasised that the current situation in held Kashmir was the result of continued denial by India of the right to self-determination of the people of Jammu and Kashmir that was promised to them by the UN resolutions.

It was emphasised that the current uprising was not an isolated incident but a manifestation of continued, deep, widespread and long-held alienation of the oppressed people of the Valley from the Indian occupation.

The adviser said the spontaneous and massive uprising was a manifestation that the Kashmir struggle was totally indigenous which cannot be equated with terrorism.

The Arab League countries were urged to call upon India to immediately stop the bloodshed and massacre in IHK and implement the pending UN resolutions on Kashmir.
