Sabri murder, Awais kidnapping big challenges to overcome: Qaim

By Web Desk
June 28, 2016

KARACHI: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Qaim Ali Shah on Monday said the kidnapping of Barrister Awais Shah and killing of prominent qawwali singer Amjad Sabbri are big challenges to work out and both the cases have shaken the confidence of the citizens.

"Now, we have to recover the barrister and arrest the killers of Amjad Sabri and have to block the future activities of the terrorists," he said while presiding over a special cabinet meeting on law & order here at the CM House.


He said that the with the hard work and dedication of law enforcement agencies (LEA) the government restored peace in the city by crushing the terrorists, extortionists, kidnappers and target killers.

"We have utilised all our resources, strengthened our forces { police and Rangers} and also encouraged our intelligence agencies through rewards and I must appreciate that everyone has done a wonderful jobs - I must appreciate," he said and added "we have to do more with new spirit and close coordination," he said.

Inspector General of Police AD Khwaja briefed the cabinet about the kidnapping of Barrister Awais Shah through the maps of the route right from High Court to Super Market and then his kidnapping and movement of the car in which he was taken away.

He said that the police have conducted a number of raids and have arrested some suspects.

The kidnappers were trying to misguide the LEAs by switching on and switching off the cell phone of Barrister Awais Shah. "We still believe that he {Awais Shah} has been kept in Karachi and with the help of all the agencies and using the technology we would recover him safe and sound shortly," the IG assured.

Talking about Amjad Sabri, the IGP said that the LEA were very close to his killers. "The police and other agencies are working closely and would give results very soon," he said.

The chief minister taking some important decisions ordered the chief secretary to sit together with IGP and start upgrading CCT cameras all over the city and also install more where necessary.

"I want CCTV coverage of the entire city," he said and added that Command & Control Centers must be responsive and keep an eagle eye instead of just send reports to the concerned authorities.
