Nisar decides to devise systemetic mechanism

Vulnerable communities’ security

By our correspondents
May 22, 2015
ISLAMABAD: Minister for Interior Ch Nisar Ali Khan has decided to devise a systematic mechanism for vulnerable targets, including the Shia, Bohri, Ismaili, Christian and Hazara communities, in the four provinces through a security audit approach with coordinated assistance of the intelligence agencies.
Presiding over the Interior Ministry’s meeting of senior officials here on Thursday, the minister said that in surveillance of security agencies, a broader mechanism was desperately needed for the security of vulnerable targets of militants including Shia, Hazara, Bohri and Christian communities. The representatives of these communities should also cooperate with the government to constitute committees comprising youth of these communities. The Interior Ministry would not only facilitate these committees in issuance of armed licences but also cooperate in providing security-related training to the peace committees of these communities. The working and functioning of these proposed ‘Peace and Security Committees’ would be monitored through the security agencies in the supervision of some assigned focal person.
Taking stern action against the indifferent response of the Foreign office (FO) over involvement of Pakistani High Commissioner in Malaysia in the ‘prisoners exchange case’, the interior minister gave two-week ultimatum to officers of the Pakistan Embassy in Malaysia embroiled in the scandal to appear before the investigation team otherwise steps would be taken to cancel passports and CNICs of both the ambassador and deputy ambassador if they failed to comply with the orders.
While presiding over a briefing on the security plan and ‘Safe City Project’ for Islamabad, the interior minister said that haphazard and mushroom growth of residential schemes in the suburbs of the federal capital had put at stake the security of the capital city.
The minister also reprimanded the Islamabad Police for not observing


proactive measures to keep a check on suspects living in suburban colonies and residential areas of the capital city and for not monitoring effectively and screening people settled in slums and suburbs of Islamabad. The minister said that millions of rupees were being disbursed annually for patrolling and screening purposes but all these measures were not proving effective and fruitful and if there were loopholes in security measures for the capital city, this was not tolerable, the minister warned the administration of the capital city.
Ch Nisar Ali Khan was also informed on the occasion that surveillance cameras werebeing installed at all roads of the twin cities to keep check on suspects. The surveillance cameras of the twin cities would be monitored through a central control room and all exit and entrance roads of the twin cities would have filter identification of the suspects with a systematic approach.
The interior minister directed the administration to accomplish the task till August 2015 and invited the media persons present on the scene to escort the security plan checking team in month of August. The minister was also informed that Metro Bus administration was also installing a ‘Command and Control’ system with surveillance cameras at key points in Rawalpindi and Islamabad and cooperation was also being sought from Metro Bus Project administration for enhancing surveillance network.
The minister was informed that in pursuance of central control system through surveillance cameras, a rapid reaction force would be remained on alert to carry out action on emergence of any suspect activity in monitoring of the city through the installed surveillance cameras.
Talking on armed licences issue, the minister said that he had discussion with Sindh government and the provincial government had agreed to cooperate with federal government to keep check on issuance of armed licences and devise mechanism for verification and attestation of the armed licences.
Commenting on deteriorated condition of ‘Private Security Agencies’, the minister said that despite notices taken by the interior ministry, any initiative on part of the owners of these security agencies was not taken relating to improve training of the security personnel of these private security agencies. The insensitivity demonstrated by two security guards of a private security agency in Karachi who witnessed killers of ‘Safoora tragedy’ but turned a blind eye to them. This sort of insensitive attitude needed to be changed as all segments of the society should come forward in identifying suspects present among them. Nisar Ali Khan also eulogised the efforts of Sindh Police in tracking down the killers of Karachi massacre and recommended awarding the two-key police officials who actually played central role in arrest of the culprits of Safoora carnage.
The minister also instructed the officials to consult with relevant authorities to resolve issues relating individuals present on ECL for years. The minister was informed by DG Passports that people on ECL were being categorised as per their offence and laws.
Reprimanding senior police official of the capital city, the minister warned to be proactive in performance of professional responsibilities and to introduce some good policing. He said that any excuse would not be tolerated over any untoward incident. The interior minister said that the police should honor the sanctity of their uniform and follow institutionalised procedure to shoulder their responsibilities.
