For the month of July, I received a gas bill amounting to Rs1670. This is a massive increase as my gas bill during the past few months has remained within an average of Rs600-700. The bill includes gas charges, metre rent, fixed charges, standard charges and a new category called additional GSD charges. This last category amounts to Rs1000 on its own. May I know exactly what fixed charges and additional GSD really are and why the consumers must pay them? I have no doubt that the SSGC has started to follow the policy of K-Electric and is trying to increase revenues by any means.
The abrupt increase in gas tariffs is an extreme case of highhandedness. An over 100 per cent increase in bills is tantamount to fleecing consumers, who are already under severe financial constraints, making it almost impossible to make ends meet. I request the chairman SSGC and the concerned ministry to have mercy on the people and withdraw the imposition of additional GSD from the bills forthwith so as to save consumers’ hard-earned money.
Hasan Afzaal