— the wonderful news that finally Pakistan has won an Olympic gold medal after forty years and created a new record in Javelin throw, with heartfelt thanks to Arshad Nadeem, despite the sorry fact the government never ever supported him in any way. Stories of him practicing with makeshift ‘javelins’ show the strong will and resilience of those who love sport and want to make the country and its people proud, not have the lust to make money by fair means or foul.
— the statement by the finance minister that the only way out of the current economic sink hole is to tax the untaxed but most people are of the opinion that no matter how much tax revenue is collected, the money will be wasted on the perks and privileges of elected representatives and bureaucrats; the losses of public-sector enterprises and the implementation of unproductive projects like the distribution of electric bikes etc. which will only prolong the economic mess.
— the fact that more or less than 40pc children today in the country are already malnourished and stunted and with milk going off the table, the problem is going to get worse, though the government does not seem to be alarmed by such a prospect. People say the milk producers have simply shifted the burden of taxation onto the consumers who have been already struggling in the vortex of rising inflation, increasing taxes and actual reduction in their purchasing power.
— the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has taken some very harsh measures where no differentiation has been made between rich and poor, with the ‘non-filer’ status being applied to everyone, including housewives, widows, orphans, poor household workers, rickshaw drivers, labourers etc. People are wondering what is the logic behind blocking SIMs of those who are not even ‘earners,’ for instance those mentioned above, as well as those who earn below the taxation cut-off limit which is Rs50,000 per month?
— how imperative it is to reflect upon the causes that plague almost all our institutions as well as society and the pervasive polarisation that affects even institutional frameworks. Public trust in institutions is lacking, so people are actually surprised when something goes in their favour since the dice has been loaded against them so heavily and for so long, that they now prefer to focus on how they can bypass the system rather than making an effort to improve it.
— social media platforms and the constant stream of daily vlogs and fake news that are crippling the ability of people to think critically and rationally and these elements are the very foundation of social progress. People say we must foster a culture of encouraging critical thinking, prioritising education and skill development and promoting activities that cultivate self-awareness which are crucial steps to ensure that the young generation does not get left behind in the race towards a better future.
— the removal of the chairperson of the Islamabad Wildlife Management Board, first with the additional secretary of the Ministry of Climate Change and then after two weeks handing it over to the Ministry of Interior (now taken back). People say when someone is doing a good job and they are removed on the whim of someone who does not like the fact that he or she thinks independently for the good of the IWMB, then they need to be questioned as to why. — I.H.