ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has ordered the strict implementation of Cabinet Division instructions issued on March 7, 2024, regarding foreign visits.
The prime minister has instructed the Cabinet Division to circulate these instructions to all ministries and divisions, including the Senate Secretariat and the National Assembly Secretariat, for rigorous compliance. On Tuesday, the Cabinet Division issued an office memorandum underscoring the prime minister’s directive. It was clarified that the instructions concerning necessary and unnecessary foreign visits, eligibility, funding, and procedures were issued in line with the government’s austerity policy. The copies of the March 7, 2024, instructions and the July clarification to all ministries, divisions, the Senate, and the National Assembly secretariats were also recirculated.
According to the March 7 instructions, all federal ministers, ministers of state, advisers, and special assistants must obtain approval from the prime minister for foreign visits. Secretaries and additional secretaries are also required to seek the prime minister’s approval. For delegations from autonomous and semi-autonomous bodies and corporations, if the delegation consists of up to three members, the approval will be granted by the minister in charge. Approval for officers up to Grade 19 will be given by the secretary. If the delegation exceeds three members, the case will be sent to the prime minister. The same procedure would be followed in case of non-obligatory visits (e.g., invitations from UN, international organisations). When government funds are involved in inter-ministerial meetings, approval must be obtained from the prime minister through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Finance Division.