HARIPUR: Inspector General Police Akhtar Hayat Khan Gandapur on Friday said that the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police was utilizing all-out efforts to gain confidence of citizens by providing help to the citizens in emergency situations.
This, he said, while speaking to the participants of the inaugural ceremony of Pucar-15 helpline service here. Regional Police Officer Tahir Ayub Khan and SP Investigation Jamilur Rehman were also present on the occasion.
He said that the need for the launch of Pucar-15 services for the convenience of the public was long felt and the KP police that has a history of rendering sacrifices for the protection of life property and honor of the citizens took the initiative to strengthen public police relationship.
Sharing the objectives of the Pucar-15 helpline, he said that the service would be available to people of Haripur round the clock and for availing the facility of Pucar-15 helpline people of Haripur would simply make a phone call in any kind of emergency and the police of respective area would respond quickly to the incident or emergency within the shortest possible time.Earlier, the DPO Haripur Salman Zafar briefed the regional police officer about the Pucar service and its arrangements.